Freitag, 30. Mai 2008

First post

So this would be my first post on this website that Sarah made for me :) (this is all for you my lovely)

Well whats new? Got another tattoo, you'll have to wait to see it my camera is dead.
I spend the past 2 days with Aiden at Lou & Michele's, very much good times. I'm always so happy there. Michele gave Aiden a bath in the sink it was so cute, I took a video on Michele's camera so ill have to get my hands on that and upload it. And I made Lou a cool little thing for her birthday, with pictures on c.ds, I'm excited to give it to her!

I actually got alot going on this weekend if everything works out. Gotta get up early tomorrow to drop Aiden off at my mom's house so he can spend the night with his Oma and then head over to the bowling alley for Lou's surprise party and after that to my friend Austin's house for his party!! Whoohoo. And then hopefully go to see the Sex and the City movie with Nicole and some other girls on Sunday. We shall see about that.

I am really digging that song "No air" by Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown...I got kind of out of the rappy/R&B scene but I def. diggin this one!

Anyway Christian is about to be home from working out of town and im gonna go have me a cigarette and kiss my baby boy one more time :)

Bye guys, bye Sarah love you!

2 Kommentare:

Goldie Locks hat gesagt…

Awww, what a fun post! We deffo need to figure out a way for you to upload all of these viddeos you have!! Fist step is going to have to be - get a youtube account!!

Love You

Goldie Locks hat gesagt…
